Short Intensive Country Residentials

May be done for FREE or very little cost EMAIL to enquire, and leave your e-mail address.

5 day Mythology Retreat
Wisdom Archetypes of India

A time for men and women to tune in with their inner qualities, beyond the ego level, through receiving Mystical Knowledge of:

  • The Goddesses of Consciousness beyond mind: CHHINNAMASTA
    The Void and Samadhi:DHUMAVATI
    Light and Silence: BAGALAMUKHI
    Divine Word/Art/Music/Dance: MATANGI
  • Delight: KAMALATMIKA

Daily Lectures, Sacred Art & Dance, Deep Meditation in the presence of Holy Light, Yoga, Sitting or Exercising in forests, lakes and ocean.

* May do on request for specific groups of friends or associates.

5 day Mystical Retreat
Explore the Depths of the
Ancient Egyptian Temple Initiates

  1. Tune in to the Ancient Sacred Teaching given in Meditational Lectures
  2. Experience the beauty of inner silence and stillness as you become awakened to your Inner Light
  3. Receive Sacred instructions for inner-essence work
  4. Receive the grace of Profound Spiritual Healing on all levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, Spiritual

* May do on request for specific groups of friends or associates.


5 day Body & Soul Health Holiday & Weight Loss Week

  1. Yoga & Body Toning/Stretch Classes
  2. Relaxation Training, Meditations
  3. Cardio-Fitness Exercise
  4. Creative Dance
  5. Nature Walks, Swimming
  6. Spiritual Teachings
  7. Silent Contemplation
  8. Spiritual Healing Meditation

* May do on request of specific group
of friends or associates.

2 day Satsang Silent Retreats

AWAKEN to who you are as:

  • The Nectar of Love - Light - Oneness - Itself, in the Presence of One who can Transmit, Point to and Trigger That in You!

Dates: To be announced

* May do on request of specific group

of friends or associates.


Click here for FEES of ALL courses

Click here for BOOKING FORM . Then PRINT and POST with your BANK CHEQUE to the address given.